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White Cotton Drawstring Bags without Prints

Cotton Bag with Drawstring

Simple cotton drawstring bags are the perfect travel companion for a short weekend trip! They are ideal if you’re packing light.

Cotton Bags Drawstring

Cotton Drawstring Bag

Cotton Drawstring Bags

Muslin drawstring bags stay true to its mandate of being elegant. While being sweet and delicate-looking, the cotton muslin drawstring bags are equally tough and lasting.

Cotton Muslin Drawstring Bags

Drawstring Cotton Bag

Relatively larger bags make for a lovely backpack to carry stationary for school or even clothes for a short trip! Have one fast.


Drawstring Cotton Bags

Large Cotton Drawstring Bags

You may use the small ones to store jewelry, small toys for kids, chocolates, to carry cell phones, pen drives, portable charger, headphones or a camera, make-up, or even use it as a cute little gift bag.

Drawstring Bags Cotton

Small Cotton Drawstring Bags

White Cotton Drawstring Bags

Printed White Cotton Drawstring Bag

Small cotton drawstring bags with hard-core messages that the Gen-Y can relate to are the epitome of cool. Convenient to store as well as carry, such drawstring pouches can be great if you are packing light for a while out.

Cotton Drawstring Bags Images

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