Diaper bags designed with Disney characters are attractive for both mother and child. Their colorful images, imprinted on diaper bags have been widely appreciated by all. Take a look at the following list and choose which one is going to your home. One fact is certain that you will end up buying multiple bags.
The famous character Pooh, accompanied with Piglet and Tigger is nicely used for a diaper bag like the following one. Just take a look and fall in love.
Mickey Mouse, being one of the popular Disney characters, is a great choice for diaper bag designs. The black and white bag is featured with multiple compartments, a short purse, and side pockets.
For an interesting style, you might carry a diaper bag that can be used as a crossbody bag. It is not necessary that you must carry diapers in that bag, if required, you may always carry some dresses and other stuff for your baby.
This bag, adorned with various images of Disney princesses, is a hit amidst mom who are Disney fans. From Snow White to Princess Aurora, Belle to Cinderella, all are here.