If you are a mom then carrying diaper is a must, even if you are not so much into carrying bags. How about using stylish bags that can be used for keeping diapers. The following list is all about such diaper bags, all in tan shades and featured with several compartments. Some are made of leather while some are made of durable materials.
No one would say this is a diaper bag unless they unzip it and find those baby stuff. While you are going out all alone, you may use this as your vanity bag as well.
The roomy bag has an adjustable strap so that you can carry that as a crossbody bag and hold your baby at the same time. If you want, then use the short handles.
Front pockets and an adjustable strap are useful features that keep the bag on your shopping list. The bag will have some spaces left even after you keep all diapers, giving you some room for packing your stuff.