Vertical bags are ideal for keeping laptops and other stuff that you require on a daily basis. Depending on their shades, the following bags are divided into three sections. All of them are vertical but not at all slouchy, not even the bigger ones. So, for your corporate outlook, you might need such bags. Pick any of them as all of them are unisex.
A black bag made of supreme quality leather makes an ideal accessory. The detachable strap, vertical compartments, and textured skin have made the bag an irresistible one.
Looks like a satchel, but an actual laptop bag adorned with front straps along with the adjustable shoulder strap is an enticing crossbody bag. There are front pockets, main compartments, and many more features that you will love.
If you are looking for something in smaller shape, this following bag might suit your purpose. The strap that lets you use the bag as a crossbody bag, can be detached anytime.
For keeping your tabs and chargers, you may use a messenger bag with an adequate space. Instead of small handles, the long strap makes it possible for you to carry it on your shoulder.