Messenger bags are a cool style statement as people mostly take them on their shoulder diagonally for a crossbody fashion. These leather made bag are durable and hence are favorite of men and women. From college to corporate sectors the bags are suitable for all places.
A simple medium sized bag, with two front buckles and a long strap, is a good option for men. They can keep their official papers and even lunch box inside it.
This following bag showcases a different type of vintage style with an asymmetrical flip cover. The compartment is spacious enough.
The dark brown bag looks trendy and has every reason to be desired by men. There are multiple compartments and the strap is adjustable.
Even a vintage bag can make a man suave if he knows how to carry one. The bag featured with a dark brown shade is full of elegance.
The criss-cross pattern of the bag and the golden clasp of the long strap have together made the bag even more beautiful. Women can flaunt the bag along with a leather ensemble.